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PLEASE HELP in the search for the man who destroyed the covered seating area at the Oak

4. January 2022 | Ratiboř

Article title

On 4 January 2022, between 12 and 3 p.m., a rest area on the U Dubu cycle path was damaged by an unknown perpetrator.

The resting place is cut by a chainsaw with the purposeful intent to degrade the site. This is a trampling of the voluntary and enthusiastic work of many people who do something nice for others in our community. Such a display of hyenism and desecration of a landscaped site that symbolizes a reminder of our community's roots is pathetic - one is truly left standing!

If you suspect anyone at this location, have further information or happen to be driving on the main road through the Prefix site and have recorded any movement on a car camera to/from the turn-off (to Prefix), please contact the Jablonec Police on tel. 974 680 731.

Thank you very much for any information leading to the capture of the perpetrator...

Martin Žabčík
Mayor of Ratiboř

Photo gallery 5 fotek

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