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Municipal Slaughter 2021 - MOVED

Datum: 20. November 2021

Article title

ATTENTION - killing party moved to the beginning of next year...


Dear friends,
I'm sorry to announce that we have to postpone the slaughter, not cancel it, but probably to the end of January. It is not because we are afraid of the rising numbers, but the covid has started to decompose us from the inside. It's coming from all sides. Another of the killing team is facing quarantine, one kindergarten class is closing today and we are all closely connected so we don't know when any of us will end up in quarantine. The entire municipal office was at risk this week, luckily the PCR tests came back good. We have been dealing with this for a long time, but due to the amount of material to be processed we dare not take action.

Therefore we have agreed with the chairman of the cultural committee to postpone it probably to the end of January.
We are very sorry, we were all looking forward to it.

Martin Žabčík


Volunteer firefighters, in cooperation with the Municipality of Ratiboř, invite everyone to the Firehouse (Svazarm) on Saturday 20 November 2021, where the Municipal Slaughter will take place. You can look forward to:

  • Pečínka / jitrnice / jelítko with cabbage, tlačenka, prdelačka, homemade lard, zabijačková pate
  • Hot ovar, horseradish, mustard, bread
  • Cold platter - mutton, pork sausage, lard, crackling

Dulcimer music will play for listening and dancing.
We look forward to seeing you!

Plakát Municipal Slaughter 2021 - MOVED

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