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QUESTIONNAIRE - how do you live in our village or region

25. June 2021 | Ratiboř

Article title

Please take a moment to fill out this online questionnaire about how you like living in our village or the Central Vsetín region - what is good, what bothers you and what you would improve,...

Your opinions, suggestions and comments will be very valuable in developing strategies and planning future projects. Thank you very much!

The LAG MAS Central Vsetín Region is surveying the needs of citizens living in the Central Vsetín Region - Can you help us?
The questionnaire takes about 10 minutes and consists of two parts. The first part is to be filled in by everyone, the second part is to be filled in by those who would like to APPLY FOR GRANTS in the next few years - by filling in your intention, you increase the chances that it will fall within the supported areas. The questionnaire is anonymous, only if you feel like competing, fill in your name and contact details at the end to be entered into a draw for regional products.
We look forward to your feedback and ideas, and who knows, maybe even collaboration
Sincerely MAS Střední Vsetínsko, z.s.
QR code for the questionnaire

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