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This year we cleaned Ratiboř together

Datum: 24. April 2021

Article title

Many thanks to everyone who participated this year - there were a lot of us and it shows in the tidy village!

Article in the Wallachian daily

Parents and children set out to clean up Ratiboř, attendance was record-breaking despite restrictions


As every year, we are also participating in the Clean the World, Clean the Czech Republic event. During this event we clean the bed of the Ratibořka stream and the path around the cycle path. We will meet on Saturday 24th April 2021 at 8 a.m. behind the building of the local authority. We will divide into groups and go to clean up the village so that we can have a good life here :-).

All in the framework of the current sanitary government measures.

For more information contact Michal Mrlina / +420 603 505 096

Plakát This year we cleaned Ratiboř together

Photo gallery 26 fotek


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