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Repair of watercourse banks

20. November 2020 | Ratiboř

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In order not to disturb the backup source of drinking water (the wells in Kobelny), the banks of the Kobelanka River, which is located in close proximity to them, were repaired during October.

With the help of a walking excavator, stones were used to strengthen the banks, which were already experiencing a large washout and threatened to damage the waterworks.

Almost at the same time, repairs were carried out on the bank of the Ratibořka River above the municipal office. Here, during last year's floods, several IZT panels became loose and subsequently fell off. During a larger flood stage, the main road was at risk of being undermined. The panels were craned back into place and secured against loosening with bolts. The repair of the bank of the Ratibořka River was sponsored by the Forests of the Czech Republic.

Photo gallery 7 fotek


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