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Attention! Change in the organisation of parking in the centre of Vsetín

5. February 2021 | Ratiboř

Article title

On Monday, 4 January, the new operating rules for the city's car parks came into force.

In the following days it brought a number of changes to the parking areas, especially in the city centre. As the scale of these is really significant, the police are dealing with the offences by appointment only for the time being. However, from 10 February, they will be strictly fining the perpetrators of these offences.

A major change has occurred on Smetana Street. Until now, parking was prohibited on this street, except for five sections where it was possible to park a vehicle for half an hour using a parking disc. "Now only supply vehicles can stop in the mentioned sections of Smetana Street for a maximum of 15 minutes. For ordinary motorists, parking along the entire length of Smetana Street is completely prohibited," said Mayor Jiří Růžička, adding that the change was made because of the deplorable situation on Smetana Street, where parked cars cause a large number of dangerous situations. In addition, after the closure of Nádražní Street during the reconstruction of the railway station and the construction of the new station forecourt, when Smetana Street will become the main traffic artery, traffic collapses could occur on the street if the current situation is maintained.

The organisation of parking on Žerotínová Street has also changed. In the section between the intersections with Smetanova and Tyršova Streets, i.e. in front of the Vsacan Hotel and Svoboda Square, the charging period for parking has been adjusted. "Now motorists pay parking fees here on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., on weekends they can park their vehicles for free," said the mayor and continued."This means that on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., motorists can park their vehicles here using the parking disc for a maximum of 4 hours. Outside these hours, parking is free.

The last modification of the parking regime is the charging of six parking spaces perpendicular to Na Příkopě Street, adjacent to the "Pohoda" building. The new operating regulations also brought an extended offer of parking cards. The previously offered annual cards worth CZK 8,000 were supplemented by half-yearly cards for CZK 5,000 and monthly cards for CZK 1,000. "Annual parking cards for the price of 100 crowns can be used by social services working in continuous operation, which are based in the city. These will allow them unlimited parking in any paid municipal car park," Růžička said, adding that parking fees in municipal car parks can now also be paid by payment cards.

"We planned to introduce all the changes to the parking system as of 4 January, the date of the new operating regulations for municipal car parks. In the end, we introduced them gradually. From 10 February, we will strictly enforce their observance and officers will fine those who do not respect the traffic signs," said Mayor Růžička and finally urged drivers to follow the new traffic signs closely and, above all, to comply with

Elaborated: Michal Horský
For more information: Jana Raszková, tel.: 733 784 006

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