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Invitation to the public hearing on the strategy of the Central Vsetín microregion

Datum: 22. February 2021

Article title

February 22 from 15:00 to 16:30 online via MS Teams.

Dear inhabitants of the municipalities of the Central Vsetín micro-region, we cordially invite you to a public discussion of the new strategy that will determine the direction of the micro-region's development for the next five to ten years.

We have been preparing the strategy since the beginning of last year, and thanks to your participation in questionnaires (satisfaction with social services, tourist questionnaire) we have set the primary objectives and priorities of the micro-region in the field of tourism, waste management and social services.

We would now like to invite you to the final public consultation where we will present the strategy to you and where we will have the opportunity to discuss your further suggestions and comments. The event will take place online via the MS Teams platform. You do not need to install the application to join, just click on the following link and connect via web browser on 22 February before 3pm.

Join the online public hearing

You can also download the invitation and the Design Section below, which will be the subject of the public hearing, among other things. Thank you in advance for your active participation and any comments.

We look forward to your participation.
The team of SPRM Central Vsetin Region and BeePartner a.s.

Plakát Invitation to the public hearing on the strategy of the Central Vsetín microregion

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