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The Three Kings in 2021 also came ONLINE

4. January 2021 | Ratiboř

Article title

This year, CZK 20 000 was collected in the Ratiboř cash boxes. Thank you!

You can donate at There you can also select the specific village or Charity you would like to support.

The collection in our village took place from 1 January 2021 to 15 January 2021.

The collection boxes were placed:
  • at the post office
  • in the pharmacy
  • food at Karol's
  • Jednota grocery

The collection is open all year round - donations can be made to the account66008822/0800 at Česká spořitelna, variable symbol 777, both by bank transfer and online card.

You can support the collection once or permanently by sending a donation SMS to the number 87 777 in the form of DMS KOLEDA 30, DMS KOLEDA 60orDMS KOLEDA 90, DMS TRV KOLEDA 30, DMS TRV KOLEDA 60orDMS TRV KOLEDA 90.

This year, for the first time, donations can also be made directly on the Tříkrál's website, wherethe online cash box application will be open until 30 April.

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