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Construction of playgrounds

2. July 2020 | Ratiboř

Article title

Two new playgrounds are being built in the upper corner above the football pitch and in the parish garden.

The platforms and play elements will be made of acacia wood in combination with various nets. So far, the acacia posts have been concreted, making creative use of their natural curvature. The delivery of the nets has been complicated by the coronavir crisis, as the manufacturer is unable to produce orders on time after the lockout. Both playgrounds cost a total of CZK 500,000 and will be paid for from the Zlín Region's Golden Ribbon grant.

Update September 2020

At the end of August the final design of the playgrounds in the area above the football pitch and in the parish garden was completed. Both playgrounds were made by Valtepro and took almost five months to build. The total investment amounted to CZK 500,000 and was financed by a subsidy from the Zlín Region.

Along with the playgrounds, five exercise elements were put into operation in the parish garden, which can be used not only by teenagers but also by the older generation. The total cost of the fitness machines was CZK 250,000. The Healthy Lifestyle Foundation contributed CZK 150,000 to the implementation.

Soon after the opening, we are already seeing a daily attendance of enthusiastic children, which we are happy about.

Photo gallery 42 fotek


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