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Reconstruction of the bridge by the school

30. November 2018 | Ratiboř

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At the end of November the construction of the new bridge by the primary school was completed.

The original bridge from the 1930s was demolished in August and a new bridge was built four months later. The cost of the construction amounts to CZK 6,697,126 including VAT, the project was supported by the Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic in the amount of CZK 4,687,988 and the municipality paid CZK 2,009,138 from its own resources. The bridge was widened and includes a sidewalk that connects to the pedestrian crossing towards the sokolovna. The project was carried out by the company MSS-projekt and the main designer was Mr. Lukáš Machálek. Together with his colleagues, the designers created a bridge that fits tastefully into the historic centre of the village and does not does not interfere with the appearance of the whole area with the church and the school building.

TM Stav s.r.o. became the contractor in the tender procedure. This company managed the actual construction very quickly and also took care of the cleaning of the deposits in front of and behind the bridge in a section of about 200 m.

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