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The area in Červeny

6. July 2021 | Ratiboř

Article title

The hunting ground is gradually undergoing changes and modernisation.

After landscaping and tree planting, the parking lot in front of the venue was repaved in the fall of 2019 and the foundations for the new stage, which will be built during the winter months, were concreted. Then in 2020, the construction of new toilets is planned, which are needed for the good functioning of the whole complex.

Update June 2020

During February 2020, construction work started on the hunting ground in Červeny. At the moment, work is underway on the construction of new toilet facilities, which are slowly coming to their final form. By the Easter holidays, the rough construction was under roof. At the same time as this construction, the construction of the all-wood stage is underway.

After the reopening, the hunting grounds in Červeny will be used mainly by the Ratiboř Hunting Association, as well as for municipal, association and private events.

Photo gallery 33 fotek


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