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Drapes are sewn in the Ratiboř kindergarten

17. March 2020 | Ratiboř

Article title

Grocery stores, fire departments and municipal employees are already covered thanks to volunteers...

After the announcement of the first measures, it was clear that the state was unable to provide sufficient protective equipment and it was impossible to find disinfectant.

The production of cloth drapes and efforts to provide disinfection were therefore launched. The kindergarten became a small sweatshop, many seamstresses in the village joined in, and Mrs. Nepustilová's company helped us a lot. A collection of fabrics was started and enough was collected in one day for production. Furthermore, the vice-mayor secured cotton cloth in Valašské Klobouky. A special non-woven fabric was also found, which serves as a filter. We have also started working on disinfection. Through the joint efforts of the HOKARA municipalities (Hošťálková, Kateřinice and Ratiboř), sufficient quantities of denatured alcohol, peroxide, glycerol and bottles were secured to mix the necessary amount of disinfectant for all the houses in the three municipalities. Our goal was to deliver 1 litre of disinfectant and a cloth filter drape to each descriptive number (600 houses). If a quarantine was declared and only one person per day could go out, they would be assured of respiratory protection. After three days, sufficient drapes were sewn and the Ratiboř and Katherine firefighters mixed the disinfectant so that everything could be delivered to the homes. During the delivery, many people had already sewn the drapes, so it was possible to give the remaining ones to the health centre.

As a result, more than 100 drapes and disinfectant were delivered to Diakonia, helping three homes for the elderly. At the beginning of April, through the joint efforts of the mayors of the HOKARA villages, it was possible to provide nano-muffs (300 pcs) with FFP3 respirator effectiveness for all the doctors in Ratibor and Hošťálková as well as for the pharmacy. We are working on the procurement of protective suits, which are very difficult to obtain for health workers.

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