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Feast Fair 2018

Datum: 20. October 2018

Article title

The traditional Feast Fair was this year on the village square and behind the stream towards the building materials.

Stalls with handicraft products were located in the area in front of the Industrial Goods by the Carols, then along the railing to the bridge by the Bělíčků. The Miklovci from Zlín played for dancing and listening. Although this year's fair was in a more subtle style due to the reconstruction, it was evaluated very positively, both by visitors and vendors. We are very grateful to the staff of the municipal office, the councillors, the SDH Ratiboř and other activists for their help in the preparation and running of this event.

This year's Fair was a great success, we all have greasy hands and mouths and are looking forward to next year's event :).

Photo gallery 58 fotek


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