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Welcoming of Citizens - Spring 2015

13. April 2015 | Ratiboř

Article title

On Saturday, April 11th, a celebration was held for the youngest citizens, whom we welcomed into the union of our community.

After the opening speech, which was given by the mayor, we were introduced to 11 children. After being written in the memory book, the children were photographed in the cradle. The festive moments were made more pleasant for everyone by the little "Valášci" from the kindergarten with their program and the pupils of the 5th grade with a poem recitation. On this festive occasion, parents received a financial gift for their children and mothers received a small flower. At the end we all took a photo together as a souvenir.

I want to thank the children from the Kindergarten and Primary School for their performance and the teachers for their willingness in preparing this band.

We wish all the parents a lot of love, patience, dedication and responsibility in raising their children and the children health, joy, satisfaction and a smile that will accompany them throughout their lives.

I am looking forward to the next welcome ceremony on 10 October 2015. Parents of newborn children are hereby requested to come to the municipal office to register their child. Thank you.

On behalf of the Social Committee
Mgr. Tamara Juchelková

Photo gallery 86 fotek


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