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Fairytale Journey 2015

8. June 2015 | Ratiboř

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On 6 June 2015, a Fairytale Journey for Children took place.

Thanks to the fact that the kindergarten purchased several new and beautiful costumes, the journey could be enlivened with new fairy creatures. The fairytale journey started traditionally in Červeny and continued through the forest to the fire house. A total of seven stations were prepared along the way, where the children had to demonstrate not only their skills but also their knowledge. The weather was good and thanks to this, over 130 children took part in the event and successfully completed the entire route, so they were rewarded at the end of the journey.

At the fire house the fun continued until the evening. And for that we have to thank the girls who took over the fun - Míša Hradilová, Verča Spívalová and Míša Suré. Because it was very hot and the children did not want to dance, the fun was diversified mainly by other competitions, where the girls let all the children take turns and willingly helped the little ones with all the tasks.

The last and biggest thanks go to all the willing parents who pitched in to make this event happen.

Photo gallery 68 fotek


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