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Easter Show 2015

3. April 2015 | Ratiboř

Article title

There is a first time for everything, which is also true for this year's Easter Show.

Michaela Jakubíková came up with the idea to organize it as a "caress to the soul" and then we were all looking for skilled hands that would be willing to share their experience and show others what can be made to beautify the home at Easter and during the year. Both the nursery and primary school had prepared a beautiful display of their children's work. At the end, with the singing of the children from the Kosáček ensemble, we threw Marena into the stream and chased the winter away. We were very pleased to see how many skilful and helpful people live here and we hope that we can say at the end: 'See you next year'.

On behalf of the organizers, Michaela Jakubíková and Ester Miniariková would like to thank everyone who participated in the exhibition and contributed to its preparation.

Photo gallery 113 fotek


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