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Municipal Ball 2015

13. February 2015 | Ratiboř

Article title

A small reminder of the village ball, which took place on 13 February 2015 in the hall of ZD, will refresh the memory of visitors.

Tombola, dinner, music - these draws attracted a total of 138 people to the ball. Dancing, intermission, the obligatory schnapps, the queue for raffle tickets, the joy of winning (for those who were lucky) - that's the ball in a nutshell, where, judging by the crowded dance floor, good spirits reigned. The ball was opened by the mayor, who thanked the local sponsors for their donations to the raffle. The photo booth took care of stirring up the atmosphere, offering the participants the opportunity to let off a little steam :) And as it should be, we left in the morning satisfied that everything went well. I hope everyone had fun and will stay loyal to us next year.

Michaela Jakubíková

Photo gallery 169 fotek


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