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Welcoming of Citizens - Autumn 2016

10. October 2016 | Ratiboř

Article title

This festive event took place on 8 October 2016.

I welcome you into the world, little baby, daddy's pride and mommy's happiness, sweet baby, new life, flower blooming at the crossroads.

With this poem we welcomed all parents, their babies, guests and others present at the ceremony of welcoming children to the union of the municipality of Ratiboř on October 8, 2016.

After the welcome, the children from the kindergarten with their performance under the direction of the teacher Vlaďka Staňková and the 5th grade student Kristýnka Holubcová with the song And when Valášek is born.

After the introduction of families and babies followed a speech by the mayor Bc. Jiřina Sklenská and the promise of the parents, who confirmed with their signature in the memorial book that they would raise their children to be proper, hardworking and honest citizens, loving their native region and their homeland. The parents received cash for their children and the mothers received flowers as a thank you for the love they give to their children.

The spoken word was accompanied by the piano accompaniment of Mr. Olšák.

In conclusion, I wished the parents a lot of patience, dedication and love in raising their children and the children the joy and contentment that will accompany them through their lives.

The next welcome ceremony will take place in April 2017.

On behalf of the Social Commission
Mgr. Tamara Juchelková

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