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Welcoming of Citizens - Spring 2016

11. April 2016 | Ratiboř

Article title

On Saturday, April 9th, a celebration was held for the smallest citizens, who were welcomed into the union of our community.

After the opening speech, 11 children introduced themselves, 5 girls and 6 boys.

Mr. Martin Žabčík, the vice-mayor, gave a solemn speech. Parents pledged to raise their children to be good and honest people by signing the memorial book. Afterwards, photographs were taken in the cradle and at the end of the ceremony a joint photo was taken as a souvenir.

Children from the kindergarten and pupils from the primary school made the festive moments more pleasant for everyone with their programme.

On this festive occasion, parents received a financial gift for their babies and mothers received a flower as a thank you for the care and love they give to their children.

Thanks to the children of the Kindergarten and Primary School for their performances, to the teachers for their willingness in preparing the band and to all those who participated in the preparation of this celebration.

We wish all the parents much love, patience, dedication and responsibility in raising their children and the children health, joy, contentment and smiles that will accompany them throughout their lives.

I am looking forward to the next welcoming ceremony on 8 October 2016.

On behalf of the Social Commission
Mgr. Tamara Juchelková

Photo gallery 36 fotek


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