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Fairytale Journey 2017

4. September 2017 | Ratiboř

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This year the fairy-tale journey took place on September 2.

Due to the rain, the Fairy Tale Journey and the fun afternoon Soptíkův den were postponed in June to the last Saturday of the holiday season, 2 September 2017. Unfortunately, the weather was not good for this date either, but we still decided to organize at least a Fairy Tale Journey for the children on a rainy morning. However, we had to change the route due to the soaked forest paths, which led through the village on local secondary roads.

The start of the route was at the kindergarten where, not only for the children, frogs were waiting and inviting everyone to the Fairy Tale Journey. Along the route, the children were reminded of the fairy tales of The Cock and the Hen, Budulínk, The Beet, The Three Little Pigs, The Long, the Wide and the Tall, The Goldfish and last but not least, The Gingerbread House. In order to reach the finish line, the children performed tasks at each station. In addition, they filled in the answers to the questions about the fairy tale in the prepared supplementary book, from whose secret at the end of the journey they found out what awaited them at the destination for a reward. The destination was at the firemen's house, where the children were rewarded with a diploma and a gift after presenting the correctly filled in mystery.

We would like to thank the willing parents, Scouts, Sebeobrana, seniors from Báječný Babinec, the Municipality of Ratiboř and all others who participated in the preparation of the Fairy Tale Journey - you were great! Despite the bad weather at the beginning, the sun finally came out and everyone enjoyed a pleasant afternoon.

On behalf of the Kindergarten and Primary School Parents' Club
Jana Musilová and Iva Švédová Janíčková

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