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Municipal Ball 2017

13. February 2017 | Ratiboř

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The traditional village ball was held this year on 10 February 2017.

The hall of the agricultural cooperative was transformed into a hall from the ice kingdom. All the beautiful decorations in the winter spirit were made by the teachers from the kindergarten, to whom we are very grateful. They did a great job with the decorations.

The evening was opened with a classical dance by the dancing couple Matěj Mrlina and Mária Bryndzáková. Then the band Kosovci started their evening galashow and accompanied the guests with music and singing until the early hours of the morning. The evening was also enlivened by the Barmen Zlín with their freestyle performance and of course the traditional raffle.

I would like to thank very much the board of ZD Mír for the free loan of the hall, Sodexo for the delicious dinner, the municipal employees for decorating the hall, preparing the tables and complete facilities and all the organizers who tried to take care of the guests until the early hours of the morning.

Martin Žabčík
Deputy Mayor

Photo gallery 199 fotek


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