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A pleasant evening on 14 February 2020 in the hall of ZD Ratiboř.
As every year, the Municipal Ball was held in mid-February. Even though the date was right on Valentine's Day, the kindergarten teachers decided not to give in and prepared the decoration of the hall in the spirit of the village of the year in the village colours with golden accessories. We have been inviting the Kosovci group for several years. They are a great guarantee that good entertainment will be provided. They didn't disappoint this year either. At 9pm the hall at ZD was full to the roof. After the opening ceremony, the Starlight dance group from Zlín performed several classical and Latin dances. Then the party was in full swing. Good food was provided by Sodexo and behind the bar the guests were taken care of by the councillors together with activists from the cultural commission. From half past nine, the raffle was sold, with interesting and valuable prizes such as wild boar, a weekend stay with wine and spirits tasting and a woodcarving. A good time was had by all, and some to the point of being replaced by the morning shift of municipal workers who came to clean up on Saturday morning :-)...
Thanks to all of you who contributed to the good running of the ball!
You can see and download photos from Honza Rohlik's PHOTO BOOK here on Rajčeta.