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Welcoming of Citizens - Autumn 2019

3. November 2019 | Ratiboř

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This joyful event took place on 3 November 2019 in the Ratiboř Ceremonial Hall.

November 3 was a festive day not only for the seniors, but also for our little citizens, their parents and grandparents. We gathered in the ceremonial hall and we welcomed our youngest children as our little citizens of Ratiboř. In total we welcomed 7 children (3 girls and 4 boys). After welcoming everyone present, the children from the kindergarten performed their songs and poems. After the introduction of the families, there was a speech by the mayor and a promise by the parents, who signed a memorial book to raise their children to be good, hardworking and honest citizens who love their native land. Parents received a financial gift for their children and mothers, as a thank you for their love and care for their baby, a flower. The spoken word was accompanied by piano accompaniment by Radka Mrlinová.

I wish our little citizens a life full of joy and happiness, so that they grow up in health and love to the joy not only of their parents, but of all of us.

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