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Lecture on World War II

Datum: 29. March 2025

Article title

2. resistance and railways in Czechoslovakia

Let's delve into a fascinating and at the same time very complex chapter of our history - the period of the Second World War and the role of the railway in the second resistance in Czechoslovakia. How important was the railway in the resistance movement? How brave were those who joined the fight for freedom?

The railway was not only a means of transporting resistance fighters and secret messages, but also a target for sabotage. What specific actions did resistance fighters take to slow or disrupt Nazi military operations? Every train, every stop, what opportunities did resistance fighters provide to disrupt enemy logistics?

In the course of this lecture, we will focus on specific actions and heroic deeds. What were the broader implications and effects of rail resistance on the war effort? How did these actions contribute to the post-war reconstruction of Czechoslovakia? We will recall the stories of those who risked their lives - what motivated them and what do their sacrifices mean to us today?

Come and hear the answers to these questions..

Plakát Lecture on World War II

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