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Komorná and Kašpárek make order in the castle

Datum: 19. January 2025

Article title

a theatrical fairy tale full of humour, songs and interaction with children..

There was a royal ball and many noble princes and Princess Babette's suitors. Will the chambermaid Zofka, together with the mad jester, find a suitable heir to the throne and a groom for the princess? Perhaps if she can convince the King that being noble and noble is not the most important thing. But what are the important qualities of a good man, the children themselves must advise and devise.

Komorná a Kašpárek dělaj v zámku pořádek is a fairy tale written by Anna Pospíchalová and David Macháček. It is full of humour, songs and interaction with children.
The length of the fairy tale is 40 min. suitable for children from 3 to 9 years old.

19/1/2025 at 14:00

Community Centre Ratiboř

Tickets are on pre-sale from Monday 16/12/2024 at the secretariat of the Ratiboř Municipality.

Plakát Komorná and Kašpárek make order in the castle

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