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AI assistant for citizens - a convenient and fast way to information

2. December 2024 | Ratiboř

Article title

In cooperation with Digiregion, we present the AI assistant, a smart assistant that will make communication between citizens and the municipality faster and easier...

AsistentkaThanks to modern technology, everyday communication with the municipality becomes easier, faster and more convenient. This tool is available directly on the municipality's website whenever you need it. You can always find it in the bottom right corner of the website by clicking on this icon...


What are the benefits of AI assistant for citizens?
  1. Instant answers to your questions
    You no longer have to wait for office hours. The AI assistant provides answers to frequently asked questions instantly - whether it's about fee deadlines, office hours or information about cultural and sporting events.
  2. 24/7 availability
    Need to find out information in the evening, at the weekend or on holidays? The AI assistant is always available, ready to help whenever you reach out.
  3. Simplicity and convenience
    AI Assistant is easy to use and adapted to the needs of citizens of all ages. Just ask and get a quick answer without searching through documents or calling the office.
  4. Access from anywhere
    Whether you're at home, at work or on the go, AI Assistant is accessible from any internet-connected device - computer, tablet or mobile phone.
  5. Time-saving
    With quick and accurate answers, you no longer need to call or visit the office for minor queries or wait for email responses. This saves you time and effort.
  6. Coming soon - multi-language support and voice control
    Do you live in a community with foreign residents or tourists? AI assistant can communicate in multiple languages, making it easier for everyone to access information. Do you go to websites exclusively from your mobile phone - in the future you will appreciate even easier control of the assistant, i.e. by asking questions only with your voice!
What can the AI assistant do?
  • Provide information about office hours, contacts and deadlines.
  • Advise on charges, for example for waste or dog.
  • Provide an overview of upcoming events and activities in the village.
Improve communication between the municipality and citizens.

AI assistant brings citizens not only comfort, but also confidence in a modern municipal authority that moves with the times and tries to meet the needs of its residents.

Try the new AI assistant on your municipality's website and see how easy and efficient communication with the authority can be. Your municipality is there for you - anytime, anywhere!


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