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Successful workshop on "Urban heat islands" in Ratiboř

Datum: 31. October 2024

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On 31 October 2024, a workshop on urban heat islands was held at the Multifunctional Community Centre in Ratiboř.

The event was met with great interest from the professional public, representatives of municipalities, the Zlín Region and experts from various sectors. The municipality of Ratiboř is a pilot partner in this project.

During the workshop all participants were introduced to the project co-financed by the European Union, which deals with the common problem of Urban Heat Islands (UHI), which is also faced by 19 partners and 9 partner organisations from 12 countries of this project, with the lead partner Sofia Development Association, Bulgaria. The heatwaves in the summer of 2022 or the floods this year have highlighted the urgent need to increase the preparedness and adaptive capacity of society to cope with the impacts of climate change and to promote resilience at the city level. Currently, only a few European cities have strategies to counter UHI. The municipality of Ratiboř has entered this project as a pilot partner, where effective measures to help address heat islands will be developed, tested and implemented.

The workshop provided a platform for discussion between the participants and the scientific partner, the Technical University of Bratislava, which is involved in the preparation of a methodology for identifying heat islands in municipalities, which contributed to the formulation of possible further solutions and measures that can be implemented in the future.

Examining real temperature data from Ratibor, experimenting with innovative temperature monitoring tools and creating a space for sharing insights among all participants led to an inspiring exchange of ideas.

The report, which was broadcast by Czech Television on Regional Events on 31 October 2024, can be found on the CT website from 7:40-9:40 here:

In the framework of the project we are working with partners

plays a key role in supporting the definition of pilot projects and the development of toolkits for cities and municipalities. The agency is actively involved in formulating policy recommendations and disseminating them to its regional partners, thereby supporting projects focused on environmental protection and climate change adaptation. Through cooperation with national and EU authorities, JINAG ensures comprehensive support and coherence with broader policy frameworks.

DEX Innovation Centre
As the EIT Health HUB for the Czech Republic, the Be Ready project focuses on the impacts of environmental change on human health. This includes mapping best practices in the regions and, last but not least, providing support to the Czech project partner Municipality of Ratiboř in the implementation of the project, which is one of the key roles of the DEX IC within this project.

Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
is the scientific partner of the project Be Ready. STUBA is involved in the preparation of a methodology for the identification of heat islands in municipalities and is working with the municipality of Ratiboř to produce a document on heat islands. It is also implementing local measurement and recording of climate data that will help the municipality to process, interpret and use in the heat island document. As a scientific partner of the project, it is helping to organise and implement a local thematic workshop.

For more information on the BE READY project, please visit the project website:

This project is supported by the Interreg Danube Region programme co-funded by the European Union.

Interreg Dunabe Region

An article that appeared in the newspaper:Článek z Jalovce

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