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Summer sports camps 2022

14. July 2022 | Ratiboř

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In July and August, the Ratiboř sports camps were held...

In the third week of July and the third week of August, Ratibor sport camps were held. In each rotation, we welcomed over 40 children, who were led by a total of 8 leaders. At the first camp called "Around the World" we got to know all the continents and their specifics, we tried batik t-shirts, took thematic quizzes, created maps of the individual continents and we couldn't do without fun games. On Friday, we said goodbye with the final competition, where the children were waiting for a lot of stations with tasks that verified what they had learned during the week. Their reward was a bouncy castle. The second camp, called "Music Marathon", was held, as the name suggests, in a musical spirit. In addition to singing, we imagined our favorite performers and made their medallions, learned different types of dances (for example, mazurka), took a yoga lesson for children and tried to dramatize a song. There was also a morning trip to sing a song around the three Ratibor benches. Both camps were enriched by local volunteer firefighters, who demonstrated their equipment and equipment to the children and allowed them to try out several things. They prepared a great experience for the children and a pleasant refreshment on hot days. Once again, we thank them very much. We hope that the children enjoyed the camps at least as much as we did. We look forward to seeing you next year.

For camp leader Zuzana Vítková

Photo gallery 35 fotek


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