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Acoustics in the Sokol Hall

11. July 2021 | Ratiboř

Article title

Acoustics in the large hall of the Sokol Hall…

For a long time we have been troubled by the acoustics in the large hall of the Falcon Hall. During physical education classes, trainings or cultural performances for elementary schools, the sound is scattered and not practically understandable. Many of you know this from the program that the school organizes for Mother's Day. Another problem is the outdated sodium lights, which are gradually disappearing, their repair is difficult and energy consumption is high. Therefore, panels will be glued to the ceiling and sides of the Great Hall to absorb noise so that there should be no reflection, splintering or echoes. In addition, new LED lighting will be installed on the sides. Interestingly, the acoustic panels are made of recycled material. PET bottles are used in its production. Of course, the material is also impact-resistant. When a ball hits the panel, the material bends and then returns to its original form.

Photo gallery 7 fotek


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