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5th meeting of the Municipality of Ratiboř

Datum: 2. May 2023

Article title

2 May 2023 at 5 pm at the Community Centre Ratiboř No. 361...

Extract from the 5th meeting of the Community Centre Ratiboř No. 361

The Municipal Assembly APPROVED:

  • Cooperation agreement with EKO-KOM a.s.
  • Contribution to transport services for 2023
  • Future Contract No IP-12-8031776
  • Future Contract No IV-12-8025423
  • Application for a lease
  • Request for (partial) repair of a local road
  • Disposal/exchange of plot no. 2294/15
  • Request for the purchase (lease) of plot no. 2689/2
  • Budget measure 2/2023
  • Contract for the provision of a subsidy from the Zlín Region
  • Contract on future contract - ČEZ

The Municipal Assembly NOTED:

  • Investment actions in 2023
  • Update of the strategic plan of the municipality
  • Housing matters
  • Cultural events in 2023

The full minutes of the Town Meeting will be available for inspection in the Mayor's office.

Plakát 5th meeting of the Municipality of Ratiboř



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