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Goulash King 1991

2. October 2014 | Ratiboř

Article title

The 1st year of the festival "The Goulash King" in Ratiboř took place on 14th July 1991...

Photos from the 1st year of the now traditional festival in Ratiboř, which on 14th of July 1991 was organized by the company JURAT in cooperation with the Czech Tourist Club HORAL Ratiboř. It also included a walk "Around Ratiboř".

The expert jury of the competition

Director of the District Veterinary Administration - Mr MuDr. Václav Hub
Director of OHS - Mr. MuDr. Marian Sivera
Director of LZ Vsetín - Mr. Ing. Votěch Bureš
Senior Editor of the NV - Mrs. PhDr. D. Daňová
Director of the Vsetín Brewery - Mr. Jan Dohnal
Mayor of Ratiboř - Mr. Ing. Jiří Mynařík

More information in the attached PDF invitation below.


Photo gallery 40 fotek


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