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Reconstruction of the playground at Svazarm

18. April 2023 | Ratiboř

Article title

The playground will be newly equipped with an artificial surface with clay infill...

This is a modern surface replacing the existing clay. It is less maintenance intensive and does not need to be rolled and sprinkled. At the same time, the fencing and boundaries will be replaced and added. The pitch will then be used for the needs of the primary school, but also for the general public.

We have received support from the Ministry of Regional Development. The whole project will cost CZK 1 895 000, the subsidy is 80% of the total cost.

9. 2. 2022

After the winter break, the finishing work on the playground near Hasičárna started. Playground should thus be completed during the spring months to be ready for summer. At the same time, the playground behind the falconry will also be maintained.

Photo gallery 37 fotek


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