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A football field as a helicopter base...

10. August 2022 | Ratiboř

Article title fill the Bambivak with water to fight the forest fire in Hoshtalka.

A level 3 fire alarm was declared on 10 August 2022 at 12:09 p.m. due to a forest fire near the village of Hošťálková in the Štěpková section. The 5-year-old forest fire, in inaccessible terrain and over an area of about 150 by 150 metres, was assisted by 14 firefighting units.

Aerial extinguishing by helicopter was also carried out, with the Bambivak filling site created on the playground in Ratiboř. The pilot of the helicopter agreed with the intervention commander on the tactics of water dropping. The water for extinguishing was taken from the water supply line in Ratiboř. The management of the municipality of Hošťálková provides food and drink for the firefighters.

Source: and
Photo/video: Municipality of Ratiboř

Photo gallery 6 fotek


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