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28th meeting of the Municipality of Ratiboř

Datum: 3. August 2022

Article title

Wednesday, 3rd August 2022 at 4 p.m. in the meeting room of the Ratiboř 75 Municipal Office.

Extract from the 28th meeting of the Municipality of Ratiboř

The Municipal Council APPROVED:

  • Budget measure No. 5
  • Tender procedure - Pumptrack arena Ratiboř, Multipurpose playground at the fire station
  • Multi-purpose playground at Svazarm in Ratiboř -Umělky s.r.o.,
  • Arena pumptrack -PARKITECT s.r.o.,
  • Sale of a part of land plot No. 3518/1 according to GP No. 1717-70778/2022 - 70m2 estimated at 600,-CZK/m2
  • Contract for the establishment of an easement - easement No. IV-12-8019401
  • Application for allocation of a municipal flat - to be included in the waiting list
  • Financial contribution to the CCE
  • Financial contribution from Kosiska
  • Purchase of plot No 2294/15
  • Price list TKR Jašek

The Municipal Assembly NOTED:

  • Evaluation of the activities of the Municipal Council for the period 2018–2022
  • An evaluation of the activities as set out in the report attached at Appendix 3, which was read out by the Mayor. He informed the councillors present of the following points:

– Integrated Rescue System
– Transport
– Education
– Subsidies
– Environment
– Information technology and public lighting
– Social Policy
– Sport and culture in the municipality
– And other unexpected crises and events over the past period
– Finally, he thanked all the councillors and the councillors thanked the management of the municipality.

  • Investment actions in 2022
  • Cultural events in 2022
  • Information on the presentation of the European Village of the Year 2022
  • Representation of seniors at the Olympics in Most
Plakát 28th meeting of the Municipality of Ratiboř



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