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From 1 to 13 October 2024, the national campaign "Live at Home" will take place to make the public aware of the work of home hospices, whose comprehensive care enables patients to live out their last days and weeks at home, in familiar surroundings and with their loved ones.

On Wednesday, 9 October 2024, the Live at Home Campaign will culminate with Slipper Day. On this day, you can personally meet the staff of the Devětsil Home Hospice, which has been offering help to the dying and their families in the Vsetín region since 2016. You can find them in front of the Secondary Medical School on Svobody Square in Vsetín or in front of the Vsetín Polyclinic from 9 am to 1 pm.

Slippers as a symbol of home

Slipper Day is a day when people all over the country wear slippers instead of shoes as a symbol of home - and thus express their support for home hospice care. We will give everyone who visits our two stands in front of the Secondary Medical School or the Vsetín Polyclinic the opportunity to take a photo in slippers in a prepared photo point. However, people can take pictures in slippers wherever they are - in workshops and offices, children in schools. And then just post the photos on social media with the hastag #papucovyden.


The Devětsil home hospice helps patients in the final stages of terminal illness to experience the end of life at home in the circle of their loved ones. We provide palliative care that focuses on alleviating suffering, treating pain and controlling the symptoms that accompany the disease. Our professional team consists of a doctor, nurses, social workers, psychologists and clergy. Our services are provided in the Zlín region with a range of up to 40 km from Vsetín. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are available to our clients anytime by phone or in person day or night. Home hospice care is free of charge. A terminally ill person 19 years of age or older with an advanced or terminal illness may request our service. An important requirement is that at least one loved one must take responsibility for the day-to-day care of the ill person.

Contact: +420 731 640 764, email:

For more information, please visit the website:


The doctors' merciless diagnosis was: advanced pancreatic cancer... Mum was 70 years old and had lots of energy and zest for life. It was a shock for us, but even more so for her. We took her home from the hospital, full of fear and worry about what would happen next. The first month was more difficult than we could have imagined. Mom was in a lot of pain. The helplessness we felt was terrible. Our friends put us in touch with the Home Hospice of Devětsil. They immediately took Mom into their care, and we were very relieved. Suddenly there was someone who was willing to help us. The pain was brought under control, her condition was relatively stable and she was able to enjoy each day as much as possible. She always looked forward to the doctor's or nurse's visits, they could lift her spirits. This year, at the end of August, Mum died. At home in peace, surrounded by loved ones and with "angels at her back". Thank you to the people of Devětsil for their invaluable help.

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