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Official board

Information for citizens

by Municipal Office / Published by From 22. December 2020 to 31. December 2020

Budget measure 09/2020

bh C224e O21050307160

by Municipal Office / Published by From 16. December 2020 to 31. December 2020

Budget measure 8/2020

Rozpočtové opatření 8/2020

by Municipal Office / Published by From 16. October 2020 to 31. December 2020

Budget measure 07/2020

Rozpočtové opatření 07/2020

by Municipal Office / Published by From 24. September 2020 to 4. October 2020

How to vote ?

Jak volit ?

by Municipal Office / Published by From 16. September 2020 to 23. September 2020

14th meeting of the Municipal Assembly

14. jednání Zastupitelstva obce

by Municipal Office / Published by From 28. July 2020 to 23. September 2020

Auction Decree

Dražební vyhláška

by Municipal Office / Published by From 24. July 2020 to 31. December 2020

Budget measure 6/2020

Rozpočtové opatření 6/2020

by Municipal Office / Published by From 15. June 2020 to 31. December 2020

Budget measure No 05/2020

Rozpočtové opatření č. 05/2020

by Municipal Office / Published by From 2. June 2020 to 30. June 2020

Mayors on strike alert

Stávková pohotovost starostů

by Municipal Office / Published by From 15. May 2020 to 31. December 2020

Budget measure 04/2020

Rozpočtové opatření 04/2020

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